Divine Success

Elegant, stylish abstract representation of a woman figure with her arms reaching outward. The woman’s legs morph into extending tree roots with subtle simple leaves growing from the roots/branches. (tree, …

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Dendrite Research

Unique, sleek and modern dendrite brain stem tree logo design. The tree and branches are designed to look like a dendrite with branching figures and nerve endings that create the …

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Natural elegant and stylized beautiful woman’s figure with her arms designed to represent natural tree branches with blossoming leaves. The lady is coloured in rich orange shades to represent the …

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Generation Tree

Twisted bent tree with the tree branches creating the impression of four people figures. Colourful leaves burst from the tree branches with the extending roots anchoring into the earth. (tree, …


First Root Kids Therapy

Child figure with their arms reaching upward, which represents a growing tree. The legs of the figures represent strong roots reaching into the earth for stability. The figure is embodied …

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Young Roots Learning

Unique learning book tree logo design with the tree branches and leaves creating the impression of the pages of an open book. The tree trunk is representing with a writing …

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Northern Cardinal

Sleek, bold and modern tree logo design. This unique tree logo features a stylish bare tree design with the addition of the bold red leaves that frame the exterior of …

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Simply Fresh Organic

Farm fresh and organic logo design, capturing the essence of organic farming in a country-like farm setting with stylized farming vegitation encompassing a simple styilized barn. Also incorporated into the …


Flora Beauty

Beautiful women beauty designed within a natural setting. Her hair and face are represented by growing branches/vines. Soft, elegant and natural with leaves growing around her. (mother, motherhood, another nature, …

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