Hadland Legal Firm
Stylized roman column thats combined with the level scales of justice on either side of the column. A top the column is an elegant royal crown imparting the idea of …
Labco DNA Medical
Clean, modern logo design of an abstract DNA and science beaker combined into a clean and compact design. (laboratory, laboratories, science center, DNA, double-helix, gene, lab, medical, research, hospital, hospital, …
Genome Project
Clean, modern abstract logo design of a person and an abstract DNA/world concept combined together to create this bold design. (laboratory, laboratories, science center, DNA, double-helix, gene, lab, medical, research, …
Genetics Corporation
Clean, modern geometrical logo design of four abstract DNA strand that cross over each other composed of various geometrical abstract shapes. (laboratory, laboratories, science center, DNA, double-helix, gene, lab, medical, …
DNA Bridge
Clean, modern logo design of an abstract DNA bridge (laboratory, laboratories, science center, DNA, double-helix, gene, lab, medical, research, hospital, hospital, person, genome, health, testing, analysis, doctor, therapy, geometrical, abstract, …
DNA Link
Clean, modern geometrical logo design of an abstract DNA strand composed of various geometrical abstract shapes. (laboratory, laboratories, science center, DNA, double-helix, gene, lab, medical, research, hospital, hospital, person, genome, …
Stock Rates
Clean, modern and bright design with different coloured lines of different length to represent a bar chart and dat analyzing The design also creates the impression of the letter “S”. …