Japanese ikigai tree logo design. The design of the ikigai tree canopy is created with four overlapping circles that create the different segments of the ikigai. A center eye is depicted within the middle of the ikigai design to represent the “view inside of a person” (design, china, Chinese, stylized, abstract, aura, art, universe, energy, god, meditation, enlightenment, sanskrit, zen, predict, artistic, symbolic, power, vision, healthy, mandala, shape, alternative, medicine, element, spiritual, creation, yoga, spirit, pattern, symbol, awareness, relaxation, icon, mystical, wellness, holistic, ornament, chakra, life, graphic, healing, sahasrara, esoteric, mind, health, being, wellbeing, self, Okinawa, mental, Behaviours, realization, hope, self-realization, wellness coach, culture, cultural, circle, circular, leaf, leaves, ikigai, tree, uplift, uplifting, religious, religion, belief, universe, circles, connection, connected, coach, empower, empowering, tree, roots, eye, sight, see, view, inside, whimsical, garden, grow, seeing, foresight, insightful, inner self)