Star Box
Clean and modern design containing eight abstract box shapes that are positioned in a circular shape. The white space created in the middle forms the impression of a star. (color, …
Rose Diamond
Unique diamond inspired shapes created to look like a rose flower. (flower, pedal, geometrical, rose, blossom, floral, petty, box, prism, jewel, pixels, hexagon, pink, tiles, interlocking, soft, modern, mosaic, wedding, …
Color Mix
Bright, colorful web 2.0 style logo. This is a modern design that incorporates 3D abstract elements in a spiraling star shape design. (star, design, glow, multicolored, colorful, interlocking, rainbow, prism, …
Heart Link
Clean, modern and abstract design of three colorful boxes that overlap and link together forming this unique and distinctive heart shape design. (heart, design, box, link, connection, connect, chain, spectrum, …
Cube Space Box
Bright, colorful web 2.0 style logo. This is a modern design that incorporates 3D dimensional abstract open box shapes that are combined together to create a cube square shape design …